August Days: The Heartbeat of August Cloth
It's August, y'all! And around here, August is kiiiiiiind of a big deal. After God called our family to adoption twice (the first time in the month of August), he birthed in our hearts a passion to support and care for expectant mommas, daddies, and their children. It was on this journey that August Cloth was born. So, friend, here we are!
As we celebrate another August, we can't help but give back to organizations with a similar heartbeat. It's our way of loving others with the Love we've received! This year we are honored to support Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee again by donating 10% of our earnings in the month of August. Our partnership with this organization will allow us to:
1) help pay for the curriculum used in their new parent mentoring/training classes
2) provide pre and postnatal vitamins for new moms
3) purchase new car seats for families (upon completion of the curriculum) that our preparing to welcome a new baby!
So how can you help? You can shop with us throughout August and 10% of every dollar you spend will go to Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee! There's nothing like great clothes AND a great cause, don't you think? But you don't have to stop there! Donate directly to PCOFMT (a 501c3) through the link below.
Donate Now!
Want to learn more about PCOFMT and their mission "to affirm the value of life by providing a network of care to those experiencing pregnancy related crisis?" Watch the video below or check out their website at the bottom of the page.
More information on PCOMTN can be found HERE!
Thank you for joining our family in this mission, sis! Let's see what we can do together!